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Why it is Important for Women to Have Female Friends and Allies.

The world can be a tough place for women as they grow up and try to fit in with society's standards of success. They are often surrounded by the idea that they need to be "perfect" and "have it all." This can lead to an overwhelming sense of guilt if they don't achieve this. Women need other women to help them realize that they're not alone and provide encouragement.

We are born with a natural inclination to be friends, but as we get older we often grow apart. However, girl friendships are crucial for the mental and physical health of women.

Studies have shown that girls who have close friends show higher levels of well-being than girls who do not have any friends. Furthermore, girls tend to be more physically active when they're socializing with their girlfriends - women need girl friendships in order to maintain healthy lifestyles.

10 Benefits of Having More Female Friendships in Your Life

Friendships are so important to our lives, but there is a difference between male and female friendships. Female friendships are typically more intimate with bonds that last a lifetime. Women tend to talk about their emotions, feelings, and personal problems while men tend to talk about sports, work-related topics and the weather. However, it is not just enough to have female friends - they should be able to act as mentors for you as well!

1) Having female friends will help you be more confident

2) They can give you support during difficult times

3) Having female friends will make you less stressed

4) You can vent to them without any judgment

5) You can talk about anything including personal problems

6) You have someone to laugh with

7) You have someone to grow with, whether it is spiritually or physically

8) Having female friends empowers you

9) You can enjoy the same hobbies together

10) You have someone to learn new hobbies, habits, health routines, etc.

Who are your go-to women friends? The ones you can rely on when you need them the most? Who do you need to talk to everyday?

Want to expand your circle of women friends? Don’t have a posse? Here are a few ways to do so…

  • Say Yes. Be Brave. And Do it. Attend that event. Be awkward. It is OK!

  • Join a book club

  • Join a Women’s only gym

  • Attend a Yoga Class

  • Attend a Book Reading/Signing

  • Attend a workshop or weekend class at the local college

  • Join a bowling league, softball league, darts tournament, etc.

  • Go walking/hiking on a popular trail

  • Attend special events at a local museum

  • Call us! We would be happy to recommend our favorites, or even invite you along on one of our next adventures.

Here are Cass and I each with some of our Women Friends!!! Do you have a circle of Women Friends you can count on?

With Love,

Tina and Cass

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